Bye Bye Blogger!
Well, it's been great here on blogger, but I am moving on. Be sure to continue to follow me by going to my NEW BLOG. See you over there!
Gorgeous baby!

I'm back!
Well, I am officially back from Missouri and it feels great to be back in NC! I had a neat experience living on a military post for the past couple of months. I met some great people and got to see my husband graduate from his basic officer Engineer training. I am looking forward in many upcoming sessions! Also, my new blog is about to debut and I am super excited about it. The images will be so much bigger and the overall look will be professional and polished. I can't wait to share. I am working with my designer, Rachel Busby, on a few more details. It's coming soon....
Abernathy family
While I was in Birmingham this past weekend, I was asked by my friend and fellow photographer Becky of Abernathy Photographics, to photograph her beautiful family. Becky and I both went to Lee University, majored in different things, and started our businesses around the same time. A mutual friend connected us, gave us each other’s e-mail addresses, and we have been in touch since. I have always admired her work and am truly inspired by her. She is my go-to person when I have questions and I often have a lot of them! If you are ever in the Birmingham, AL area, give Becky a call! Here are a few of my favorites from our session…

Baby Collage
Sneak Peek...

Julie's Bridal

Baby Blake

Remember them?

Well, I am still alive! I am still living in Missouri as my husband finishes up with his training in Fort Leonard Wood, but I had the opportunity to come home this weekend to photograph 3 babies, attend one of my best friends bridal showers, and photograph a wedding. Then I am flying to St. Louis early Sunday morning. Whew! The next couple of days are going to be a whirlwind. Anyways, onto my wonderful clients Nicole and Drew. I met them just a couple of months ago to do some maternity pictures. I have the privilege of documenting their baby's first year. Baby Baylor came into this world a couple of weeks ago and I got to meet him today. He is absolutely perfect. Nicole and Drew are such naturals. Nicole looked absolutely stunning and I got some pretty cool shots of her for their eyes only. (Nicole, I will send you one through e-mail. :) Thanks guys! I hope you enjoy your sneak peek...gallery to follow!
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