
My American Hero

When I married Tracy Rogers 3 years ago he was a broke college student full of dreams, as he finished his studies at Lee University. When he graduated, those dreams began to fade and real life set in. There was a mortgage to pay, student loans, and mediocrity began to creep in. College doesn't really prepare you for what is on the outside of the institution's walls. It didn't prepare Tracy that he was just going to be a number just like everyone else when he graduated. But, Tracy is anything but ordinary and refuses to settle for what the world says you should do. He refused to be one of those guys who sits at a desk all day long, comes home, and starts it all over again because that is the safe thing to do. In our second year of marriage the both of us wrestled with the longing to live our dreams and just making a living. Through struggle and prayer, dissension and turmoil, we made a decision that was going to save us. He joined the military. Mmm...some have probably thought and some actually have said that it is crazy to join the military in war time. One person actually told me that Tracy is "their piece of meat." I have chosen not to listen or entertain the thoughts and words of negative people. My husband is an amazing man. He just joined last November, is now 2nd Lt. and is headed to Oklahoma and Missouri for more training. Most of his student loan bills will be paid, he is experiencing things he has always dreamed of, and is a leader in the US Army. I was without him from November '07 to May of '08 with only being able to see him twice. I was a complete wreck and have a new respect for military wives and children. I have spent this summer with him and it has been wonderful. He is my rock and reason, best friend and encourager, my husband. He left today to go train in the Officer Engineer School. He is going to learn so much and excel at what he does best, leading and learning. I couldn't be more proud of him. I wonder what he would have missed out on if I told him to be like the status quo and just work in a job that is secure and safe. I don't think that our marriage would be what it is now and he wouldn't be able to do the things that God has enabled him to do; serve, protect, and honor our country. As I write this lengthy post tears are streaming down my face because I will be without him for a while, and when anything you love is absent from your life, it is amazingly hard. But, I also wanted to write this to tell the world that I am so proud of my husband and I love him beyond words.


Denise Skelton said...

Beautiful, Nicole.

Mickey Family said...

wow. that was an awesome post! :)
congrats to the both of you. And that first pic... woowoo!!! Looks like the cover of GQ!!! :)

Nicole L. Rogers said...

haha! my favorite of him too!